Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

What to Eat For Regrowth of Your Hair

Do you remember the old saying "you are what you eat"? It was intended to help young children understand the importance of eating healthy so that they could grow properly.

We adults often have forgotten that this old saying still applies to us obviously. In fact if you're looking to regrow your hair and fight hair loss, then it's very important that you are eating the right foods that will stimulate hair growth.

Great Hair Secrets

I know that I'm probably the most guilty person of all when it comes to eating right. I once struggled with a receding hairline that kept getting worse and worse. I tried everything to make it fill back in. Even spent over 0 on a certain product I saw that I thought was really going to help me and it did for a while, but 0 every two months got to be really expensive.

That's when I did some research and stumbled upon a few foods and nutrients that really aid in the growth of hair. I changed my diet completely and before you know it, my hair was growing back. So I'm telling you this because while heredity does play a role in hair loss,it's not the final determining factor. There are other reasons and insufficient nutrients are definitely one of them.

If you lack iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B, and even herbs like saw palmetto, you're pretty much vulnerable as ever to losing your hair. Thinning, brittle hair often results from your follicles not getting these nutrients.

Try aiming to eat more leafty green vegetables like greens which contain magnesium and iron. Fruits also contain a great source of baldness fighting chemical compounds. Go to your local grocery store and try some fruits that you normally wouldn't eat or have never tried before.

Lately a lot of talk in the hair community has been centered on the effects of drinking green tea. Scientists have studied it for a while and they have found that just four cups of it a day is enough to block a leading hormone that causes male pattern baldness.

What to Eat For Regrowth of Your Hair

Want to know all of the "natural secrets" and foods that you must eat in order to regrow your hair? Find your answer by downloading your FREE REPORT on natural remedies and what the major hair loss firms don't want you to know.

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